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by Eisenvater
28 Aug 2009 09:36
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: SDL and VLC
Replies: 3
Views: 2113

Re: SDL and VLC

1>libvlc.lib(d000029.o) : warning LNK4078: Mehrere .text-Abschnitte mit unterschiedlichen Attributen gefunden (E0300020). 1>SDLVIDTEST.obj : warning LNK4248: Nicht aufgelöstes Typeref-Token (01000012) für "libvlc_instance_t". Das Abbild kann möglicherweise nicht ausgeführt werden. 1>SDLVI...
by Eisenvater
27 Aug 2009 08:56
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: SDL and VLC
Replies: 3
Views: 2113


Hi guys, i hope this is the correct spot for my question. I'm working on my first project around the vlclib my task is to embed a video player into an existing framework based on SDL. So i googeled a bit and found I think I understand the code but in V...

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