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by michaelh
23 Aug 2005 21:45
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: Streaming output from iTunes
Replies: 2
Views: 3852

I don't want to use the share music functionality because I want the music synchronised thoughout the house. I've been able to use vlc to stream a file to itunes but what I'd like to do is stream the current output of itunes. Reading the documentation I gather that you can use /dev/dsp as the input ...
by michaelh
23 Aug 2005 14:40
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: Streaming output from iTunes
Replies: 2
Views: 3852

Streaming output from iTunes

I'd like to use vlc to stream the output from iTunes so that another copy of iTunes can tune into it.

I thought I'd be able to use /dev/dsp but that's not supported on OS X.

I have a feeling that I'll be able to use Jack but can't figure out how to do this.

Is this possible?


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