I have a few songs (under "Downloaded Music", I copied them from PC to the iPhona via iTunes) on my iPhon in the Music app.
Is it possible to play them with the VLC app?
Without copying them again from the PC?
VLC 3.0.6 on Windows 7 64 bit Opening this URL (or the downloaded file) only shows the first frame. https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/kCYpueuRyR6NVt-QrnNbxpemLoc=/1200x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/13887928/dseifert_190214_3232.gif PS: No, I don't know why they use G...
When I enable the wifi upload function in VLC, it shows a wrong hostname in the connection URL. To be exact, the host part is correct, while the domain is wrong.
It shows myphone.local instead of correct myphone.lan.
I use VLC 3.0.3 on Windows 7. If: - I have a playlist loaded into VLC (music files, like MP3 and AAC) - I start to play - I pause - later I get a phone call on Skype for Business, that I accept - after finishing the call, VLC resume the paused music Why is that? If I pause the music, the it should s...
I have Windows 10 on a hybrid tablet (Asus T101HA) and when I start VLC playing some music (M4A files), windows makes the PC go to sleep mode after a few minutes. Is there an option in VLC or Windows to prevent that? Besides turning the sleep feature off altogether, which is not a good idea for a ta...
I have VLC 2.2.8 on Windows 8.1 (64 bit). I try to install vlc-3.0.2-win64.exe and in the wizard it shows no "Just update and keep settings" option, but only the complete installation thing. Is it because my old version is 32 bit and this is 64? Is there a way to migrate settings from one ...
Related: in the webpage menus on the top, there is no mention of http://www.videolan.org/news.html
It is only listed at the bottom of the page.
That way it is not easy to find.
Hi! On http://www.videolan.org/developers/vlc.html there are two broken links in section "Get VLC Source Code": http://trac.videolan.org/vlc/browser/NEWS?format=txt http://trac.videolan.org/vlc/browser/ChangeLog?format=txt Both return: Error: Not Found No handler matched request to /browse...
"me too" v2.2.4 worked fine, but has a green line at the bottom of the video in full screen mode. I reverted to 2.2.4 and it is OK again. VLC settings: all default (I think, if more info needed, say so, I can test different settings or reset to defaults (in case I forgot some setti...
With VLC 2.2.0 on Win8.1 64 bit I tried to capture the screen (MRL: screen:// ) at 60 fps and encode it to H.264+MP3(MP4). Right at start of encoding it crashes. On next start it uploaded the crash report. Are there any known problems with screen capture? Need any more tests from my side? Regards, D...
"me too" About 10% lost frames. I noticed that v2.1.5 uses about 38% CPU while 2.2.0 uses "only" 30%. (these are total system CPU usage as indicated by Task Manager. Subtract a few % to get VLC value.) It is a 4 core CPU (i5-2320), so 2.2.0 is using only 1 core it seems. The movi...
Hi! The press release [1] says: It is also the first non-beta release on Android. Therefore, today, we release: ... VLC for Android 1.1.0 But the "release" page [2] says: VLC for Android 1.1.0 beta Is the android version a beta or not? Also the second page is missing the link to the androi...