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by nib
17 Aug 2009 20:11
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: MediaListPlayer thread deadlock and browser plugin playlists
Replies: 1
Views: 667

MediaListPlayer thread deadlock and browser plugin playlists

I've been working to resolve an issue with the Mozilla plugin related to playback of the playlist not continuing on to the next playlist item and some audio distortion issues related to manually changing the current playlist item. I've looked into the code for the plugin to find that, in fact, the p...
by nib
17 Aug 2009 19:17
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: activeX in .net - playlist problems
Replies: 4
Views: 1225

Re: activeX in .net - playlist problems

I've experienced the same issue with the Firefox/Mozilla plugin and after investigation into the code base, it is due to the fact that the player for the plugin does not automatically do playback of the next item in the playlist as you would expect (although it used to). Currently, you would have to...

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