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by guinioul73
10 Jan 2012 21:26
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Ubuntu, stream the Xserver (display:0) to a distant host ?
Replies: 4
Views: 1937

Re: Ubuntu, stream the Xserver (display:0) to a distant host

use screen:// in vlc. hello, how does it work ? If you want to stream video, stream the video file directly. Hello, ok, so, I think I will use both VLC (to stream local files to "far.away") and VNC (to play youtube vidéos on "far.away" controlled by the local machine) . Is that ...
by guinioul73
10 Jan 2012 12:51
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Ubuntu, stream the Xserver (display:0) to a distant host ?
Replies: 4
Views: 1937

Ubuntu, stream the Xserver (display:0) to a distant host ?

Hello ! I wondered, if possible it was, to use vlc to stream the display:0 (of the local machine) to a distant "far.away" host ? I tried X11vnc (but on the other sense, displayer is controlled from "far away") but it is really really slow :-/ . It work but it is hard to use (scro...
by guinioul73
19 Aug 2005 04:30
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: screen captures don't seem to go anywhere
Replies: 11
Views: 3372

if you want to make screenshot from a video there's a special way 8) you can use the "print screen" key but it only will work if you run another player before VLC 1- you lanuch a video with a player (it will use overlay) 2- you launch the video you want to capture to in VLC (overlay is alr...
by guinioul73
19 Aug 2005 04:15
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Deinterlace 0.8.2
Replies: 5
Views: 2601

C'est bizarre ce bug ne se produit pas chez moi (ni sur la 0.8.1 ni sur la 0.8.2) :shock: sinon le probleme apparait aussi quand tu regles la luminosité. si tu veux assombrir ou éclaircir l'image; active la fonction avant de lancer la lecture (une fois la fonction activée tu peux ajuster la luminosi...

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