Exactly the same problem but how did you find the log. It's taken me half an hour to get nowhere.
Since vlc last worked I have added mkvmake, handbrake and had a new version of nightly, so I will try removing these
Does this mean that I cannot use VLC. I had understood, maybe wrongly, that the commercial products you refer to were Ok for thungs like YouTube but did not give good quality wheras VLC does.
OK, let me rephrase it. What hardware and software do I need in order to get started - all I have at present is VLC, things like Nero8 (which I absolutely hate) Imgburn. a dvd+-rw burner windows xp sp3 on a dell laptop with 2.1Ghz Pentium M with 1GB ram. Any additional hardware required and any addi...
Although reasonably computer literate I am new to the world of streaming, capture and saving and have found too much jargon and complexity to make even a tentative stab. What I need is a guide or direction to everything basic that I need, apart from VLC, to capture an internet video stream and save ...