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by chris91
09 Sep 2010 16:06
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: Cannot play RTMP stream - no access module matched "rtmp"
Replies: 0
Views: 2485

Cannot play RTMP stream - no access module matched "rtmp"

Hello, I am having trouble playing a rmtp stream from Sveriges Radio SR1 (Swedish Radio) with VLC 1.0.6 on Ubuntu 10.04. I tried with both '' and direct with`rtmp://' but always get the error message failed: no a...
by chris91
09 Sep 2010 15:38
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: Streams
Replies: 4
Views: 484

Re: Streams

... I have a German version and can nowhere find a «Media Library».
I reckon in German it is called "Wiedergabeliste", under the menu Ansicht > Wiedergabeliste or shortcut L.

Cheers, Chris
by chris91
06 Aug 2009 15:30
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: how to add a custom aspect ratio
Replies: 1
Views: 1420

how to add a custom aspect ratio

Hello, I am using VLC media player 1.0.0 Goldeneye on win xp. I read in other posts that I can define my own aspect ratios (maybe also crop ratios?) under Tools > Preferences > Video > All. But I must admit that I cannot find any such option there. Am I blind? Can someone point me to the right menu?...

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