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by dgg
10 Oct 2010 04:11
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: My Recent Documents
Replies: 9
Views: 658

Re: My Recent Documents

VLC maintains its own list of recently played items which you can switch off via tools, preferences. Windows maintains lists of recently used documents, and you can use prgrams like TWEAKUI to switch that off.
by dgg
10 Oct 2010 04:04
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Can't Convert .WAV to .MP3
Replies: 4
Views: 8328

Re: Can't Convert .WAV to .MP3

Maybe the wav file is in DTS 5.2 surroundsound format which VLC can play but won't convert. Google for a freebie program VALDEC part of ac3 filter tools. You run it from the command line and it can create a 2-channel wav. Subsequently you can use VLC or LAME to convert it to mp3. If you want to conv...
by dgg
25 Jul 2010 20:12
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: A solution for Windows 9x/ME users
Replies: 28
Views: 34016

Re: A solution for Windows 9x/ME users

Dear Mr DinosaurDestroyer, I've been using the internet for years and I'm a member of lots of bulletin boards. It really depresses me when I come across comments like yours, couched in terms which indicate your own superiority and everyone else's inferiority. People come here looking for help. Noewc...
by dgg
30 Nov 2009 11:32
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Embedding VLC plugin in Internet Explorer 8
Replies: 6
Views: 49946

Re: Embedding VLC plugin in Internet Explorer 8

VLC included activex support up until version 0.8.6, I believe. At that time, you could access a cab on the videolan and therefore 'automatic' installation into IE and Firefox family browsers was fine. Thereafter support for activex seemed to stop; no cab, no activex component. VLC 1.0.* once again ...
by dgg
23 Jul 2009 00:50
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: BUG: Seeking through FLV files in VLC 1.0.0
Replies: 12
Views: 4252

Re: BUG: Seeking through FLV files in VLC 1.0.0

Just to confirm that this problem applies to all media where there is no 'length' metatag. e.g. I have some mp3 files which exhibit this problem, others that don't. The difference being the absence/presence of a total duration. Othe players seems to be able to work out the duration of the clip irres...

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