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by carled
06 Aug 2009 17:52
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: activeX in .net - playlist problems
Replies: 4
Views: 1228

Re: activeX in .net - playlist problems

Well, thanks for replying at least! It shows there is life out there... maybe someone else will notice the thread at this rate and have some idea why it's not working!
by carled
05 Aug 2009 23:08
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: activeX in .net - playlist problems
Replies: 4
Views: 1228

Re: activeX in .net - playlist problems

hmmm. great forum this... would be nice if someone technical occasionally answered a question... :?:
by carled
01 Aug 2009 13:48
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: activeX in .net - playlist problems
Replies: 4
Views: 1228

activeX in .net - playlist problems

I'm not entirely sure what version of the activeX object I'm using (the object declaration is: Dim vlc As AxAXVLC.AxVLCPlugin2 = AxVLCPlugin21) I'm trying to create a REALLY simple player that is completely controlled by backend code. I have a serial port connection that is firing in playlist items ...
by carled
14 Jul 2009 11:21
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Media won't play if called via invoke delegate
Replies: 1
Views: 667

Re: Media won't play if called via invoke delegate

Update: it was me. I'd cracked the problem using the delegate. The new problem only became visible when I was looking at the log messages and it was saying, "can't open file". I realised that I was passing a carriage return in the filename too. Works a charm when that is stripped off!
by carled
13 Jul 2009 11:06
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Media won't play if called via invoke delegate
Replies: 1
Views: 667

Media won't play if called via invoke delegate

Hi all. Just started doing a prog. Very simple concept, the player sits there listening for events on the serial port, once received, it starts playing that media. If I put a drop down box on the page and select the media file, it successfully plays the media like this: (in "play" b...

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