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by oldshuren
11 Jul 2009 04:37
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: bug in modules/demux/live555.cpp
Replies: 1
Views: 150

bug in modules/demux/live555.cpp

Hi, I think there is a bug (or typo) in modules/demux/live555.cpp, around line 342, the code i_sdp += i_read; if( i_read < i_sdp_max - i_sdp - 1 ) { p_sdp[i_sdp] = '\0'; break; } should be i_sdp += i_read; if( 0 < i_sdp_max - i_sdp - 1 ) { p_sdp[i_sdp] = '\0'; break; } Because i_sdp_max - i_sdp -1 i...

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