OK, I've found it here: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/multimedia/phonon-backends/vlc/ But I can't compile it: root[vlc]# mkdir build root[vlc]# cd build/ root[build]# cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. -- The C compiler identification is GNU --...
Somewhere I've read about a VLC phonon backend for KDE 4. But I can't find more infos about it. Is it a dead project? Or where are the sources to compile it?
Of course... My VDR channels.conf looks like this: Das Erste;ARD:11836:hC34:S19.2E:27500:101:102=deu,103=2ch;106=dd:104:0:28106:1:1101:0 ZDF;ZDFvision:11953:hC34:S19.2E:27500:110:120=deu,121=2ch;125=deu:130:0:28006:1:1079:0 Bayerisches FS Nord;ARD:11837:hC34:S19.2E:27500:201:202=deu,203=2ch;206=dd:2...
Hi, i don't know if this request already was there, could not find it with the search function. VLC supports DVB but it really lacks a good and simple to use TV interface. It needs a dialogue which can search for television channels and saves them to a channel list. And then there should be a menu e...
Hi, I'm using vlc 1.0.0-rc4 and I'm trying to get DVB-S to work. So far I could get a scrambled video output of a channel by manually tweaking the parameters. Next step was using a channels.conf as playlist. At first I've tried one of my VDR and after that I've created a new one with "scan"...