When I play a .mp4 video on Android 14 with VLC v3.5.7 then the video file name title is always show at the top. How can I hide the title forever for all videos (even when controls and timeline are shown)? How can I show the controls and timeline forever? In former VLC versions there was a setting &...
Have a look at the MP4 file from Download-Link below (no, its not spam): https://filedoge.com/download/6dd5484d73523e3135c1c9c2b0587df2170b9e00449e63e4bc553a6869f427567a36465c455f95bdcb89 I put it into *.zip archive to be sure that the file server does not change anything. This (extracted) video sho...
Assume I have a short MP4 video (~1min) encoded with AVC H.264 I want to play it at slower+slower speed multiple times. So I press "-" and second "-" key to slow down play speed. It works although VLC need some significant computation time (up tp 5 second) to calculate/convert in...
Ok, thank you. That works but only partially. I can assign a hotkey for "Slower" but then I want to assign a hotkey for "Normal Speed". When I search for "Normal Speed" in Hotkey configuration panel then nothing is found What is the corresponding Action name for menu Pl...
How can I tell VLC (v3.5.4) for Android to always show the player controls (at the bottom) and not auto-hide them ? As far as I remember there was a setting in former VLC for Android version in Settings--->Extra Settings--->Video--->Controls--->Video player controls hiding delay But this does not ap...
I bought a new smartphone and want to setup VLC for Android on it exactly as on the old smartphone. How can I export all the current setting into a LOCAL (!) Android file (for later import on the new)? I don't want to use Google Sync for that. Everything should be done locally (by copying (exported)...
I cannot believe that there is no auto-shrink in VLC.
It should be easy to implement from inside VLC:
Just check the current screen dimensions.
If physical screen height (in pixel) is < video height (in pixel) then
zoom out video until it fits completely onto screen.
Occasionally I record small MP4 videos (with my smartphone) in portrait mode. That means that the video height (here 1920 pixel) is greater than the width (here 1080 pixel). After copying these MP4 videos to my Windows notebook with newest VLC player I doubleclick on them. They are played but with b...
I have a *.mp4 video with (encoded with H.264/AVC and AAC audio). When I play it one one computer with newest VLC (under Windows 7 if it matters) I can observe a small audio-delay of approx 200ms. When I play the same video with the same VLC version on another computer (notebook with Win10) the audi...
Again: I am not talking about playing "a song" but play a video! So when I open a video (from inside VLC for Androdi) it starts without showing the timeline at the bottom. Even more: Noting but the video (in full tablet screen) is shown - NO controls. When I tap once on the display the tim...
I attached a NAS storage resp. a Mediaserver to my LAN and my router. I can access this Mediaserver from Windows Explorer. It is up and running. Now I wan to do the same not from Windows Explorer but from WITHIN newest VLC videoplayer. Therefore I clicked on menu Media--->Open Folder.... and then in...
Currently all VLC settings are store here on a Windows system in directory C:\Users\peter\AppData\Roaming\vlc\ How can I move this folder to another location (e.g. to a subdirectory of the VLC installation folder in D:\tools\VLC\mysettings\ ? Is there a cmdline option where I can pass this non-defau...
When I navigate (inside VLC) to a directory which contains (video) files with very long file names then VLC automatically starts scrolling them horizontally.
How can I tell VLC to never auto-scroll such files names?
The first ~ 40 chars are sufficient for me
Assume I have a *.mp4 video with an encoded resolution of 1280x720 Now I want to watch it on my (big) TFT monitor a bit larger in resolution 1680x946 pixel. What I always can do is to double click the *.mp4 file and resize manually the VLC window with the mouse. This is somehow tedious and unnecessa...