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by rcluiz
18 Mar 2004 17:13
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Streaming with vlc
Replies: 0
Views: 1306

Streaming with vlc

Hi, I'm trying to do a streamer of mpeg video studying the sources of vlc... Could you tell me how to open a mpeg file (ES) and packetizer it (TS)? Or teach me how vlc decode this TS stream to an ES mpeg file... all I know is that vlc use the libmpeg2 library as a module, which I used before to obta...
by rcluiz
05 Feb 2004 20:21
Forum: VideoLAN
Topic: Video Lan System
Replies: 1
Views: 1542

Video Lan System

I'm studing how video lan works.. Could you tel me how video lan stream a mpeg file and if it uses the libmpeg2 to read these streams and play its vídeo??

(Thanks DJ)

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