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by jsmkbunch2000
15 Apr 2009 06:38
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: How to play video on the web.
Replies: 0
Views: 1265

How to play video on the web.

Hello. I am a noob. I don't know any code or http scripting. I figured out how to run the VlC on one computer and stream it to another computer on VLC (as client) using UDP foramt. I found the following code in searching the forums to create a player in my web browser, saved as html doc. (see postin...
by jsmkbunch2000
15 Apr 2009 06:34
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Playing playlist on web
Replies: 2
Views: 1458

Re: Playing playlist on web

Hello. I am a noob. I don't know any code or http scripting. I figured out how to run the VlC on one computer and stream it to another computer on VLC (as client) using UDP foramt. I copied the above code to my notepad and saved as html doc. It shows it is waiting for video now, so how to I stream a...

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