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by Rich77
06 Apr 2009 18:00
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: RGB Bitmap Orientation (biHeight) Flipped top-down
Replies: 5
Views: 1194

Re: RGB Bitmap Orientation (biHeight) Flipped top-down

Hi Rémi, I am unsure how the open source VLC project hangs together. modules/access/dshow/ project uses the DirectShows CaptureGraphBuilder2->RenderStream. This is correct orientation as the graph manager, based on merit will connect to a Microsoft VMR. The VLC media player application 0.9.2 does no...
by Rich77
24 Mar 2009 14:31
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: RGB Bitmap Orientation (biHeight) Flipped top-down
Replies: 5
Views: 1194

RGB Bitmap Orientation (biHeight) Flipped top-down

When creating RAW RGB capture images from my WDM streaming driver the “"Bitmap Orientation and biHeight" link at specifies RGB formats exposed from my capture driver should be/can be negative, top-down bitmap. This works correctly with the Video Overlay, VMR7 and VMR...

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