I would like to justify the filter in the VLC PLayer, so that the drums (and cymbals) are louder than the rest.
Can anybody tell me how to do this?
Well I didn't really solve the problem now but I got half of a solution. My VLC only crashes at the very end of every file so I just forward it seconds before it ends
Of course I still wouldn't say no to a real solution
No, only if I open a playlist and one track ends. All commands are being accepted excepting "Next/Previous Track" and "Play,Pause"...
I can open the preferences, open a new medium but the screen does not change at all!
I have got a .m3u playlist with some .mkv files. when one of the files ends, the media player crashes and I can't switch to the next or previous file.
anyone got an idea?
Every time I create a playlist with VLC, the program turns it upside down... I even opened it with the Editor and checked the order and it was NOT upside down. When I open the same list with the Windows Media Player it is in the right order. But because WLM is not compatible with every codec I'd lik...