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by jonahx
26 Sep 2022 00:56
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: 100% CPU as soon as I open VLC
Replies: 1
Views: 401

100% CPU as soon as I open VLC

Hi, I've had this problem for at least the last year. Any time I open VLC, the CPU instantly spikes to 100%, before I even start playing anything. It started happening on Big Sur, seemingly randomly one day iirc, and neither resetting all settings nor downloading and re-installing VLC has helped. To...
by jonahx
18 Feb 2009 18:10
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Playing Files Over A Wireless LAN
Replies: 3
Views: 336

Playing Files Over A Wireless LAN

Hi, I searched for this but found only one inconclusive thread. Most of my video files are on my desktop, in the back room. However, I do most of my watching of these files on my TV, in the living room. It would be great if I could access the video files on my desktop directly over the wireless LAN ...

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