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by Moffatt
19 Feb 2009 21:05
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Begginer issues
Replies: 2
Views: 854

Re: Begginer issues

bump. here is my directory structure if it helps. .: mmx.h vlc_es.h vlc_osd.h sample.c vlc_es_out.h vlc_pgpkey.h vlc vlc_events.h vlc_playlist.h vlc_access.h vlc_filter.h vlc_plugin.h vlc_acl.h vlc_fixups.h vlc_rand.h vlc_aout.h vlc_gcrypt.h vlc_services_discovery.h vlc_arrays.h vlc_httpd.h vlc_sout...
by Moffatt
10 Feb 2009 17:57
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Begginer issues
Replies: 2
Views: 854

Begginer issues

Hi. I'm having trouble getting to compile. I'm using Cygwin on Vista. I copied the include folder into a seperate folder with my C file next to the include/vlc folder, changed the #include <vlc/vlc.h> to #include "vlc/vlc.h" and made equivalent chan...

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