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by ruarua
10 Feb 2009 03:52
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Intellectual if use libVLC for MMS or RTSP streaming out
Replies: 4
Views: 907

Re: Intellectual if use libVLC for MMS or RTSP streaming out

Remi, Thanks for the light. Our interrogations come from the fact that we plan to sell our product to our clients and we want to make sure it is legal for us to use your soft. Anyway, thanks for your help. If you have any other information regarding legal aspect that could help us more, it would be ...
by ruarua
03 Feb 2009 06:15
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Intellectual if use libVLC for MMS or RTSP streaming out
Replies: 4
Views: 907

Intellectual if use libVLC for MMS or RTSP streaming out

I want to build a video server-proxy program support RTSP, MMS protocol based on libVLC. Is there any problem with Microsoft patent in intellectual right if we use libVLC or use my own module. Because as i know MMS is a property protocol of Microsoft :cry: , and i don't know if whether Microsoft all...

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