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by Raybuntu
29 Jan 2009 21:22
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: Transcoding youtube flv's to ogg(vorb)
Replies: 1
Views: 419

Re: Transcoding youtube flv's to ogg(vorb)

Problem is solved. On the vlc irc the gave me a hint. vlc -vvv 3.flv ":sout=#transcode{acodec=vorb,channels=2,ab=128}:std{access=file,mux=ogg,dst="4.ogg"}" has to be replaced by vlc -vvv 3.flv ":sout=#transcode{acodec=vorb,channels=2}:std{access=file,mux=ogg,dst="4.ogg&...
by Raybuntu
29 Jan 2009 13:59
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: Transcoding youtube flv's to ogg(vorb)
Replies: 1
Views: 419

Transcoding youtube flv's to ogg(vorb)

Hi, I have some throuble transcoding youtube flv's to ogg Vorbis or Theora. Vorbis gave me an empty file and Theora a video without audio :D. I tried other flv's and they transcode well. The Error message I recieve is: "vorbis error: CBR mode initialisation failed" I'm using 0.9.8a now but...

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