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by Jorge
20 Jan 2009 00:28
Forum: Skins
Topic: Editor on line help
Replies: 4
Views: 847

Re: Editor on line help

I see that it is back again. The big pictures don't read too well tho, so I made some thumbnails for them. You can see them on my site.

If you have instructions on how to make it look like the other pages, i'll be glad to do that.

by Jorge
13 Jan 2009 22:47
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Streaming of Webradio mp3 stream
Replies: 2
Views: 1210

Re: Streaming of Webradio mp3 stream

If you want to stream only one channel it is possible with VLC. If you want to stream multiple channels at the same time, I guess you have to start multiple instances of VLC for each channel. I am not sure though. For one channel the set up is like this. (Version 0.9.8.a) Connect to the stream and l...
by Jorge
13 Jan 2009 18:31
Forum: Skins
Topic: Editor on line help
Replies: 4
Views: 847

Re: Editor on line help

No problem, you can put it on the site, that's what it is made for.

I see it has been removed already. If you want me to adapt things, just say so. I'll be happy to do that.
by Jorge
13 Jan 2009 00:28
Forum: Skins
Topic: Editor on line help
Replies: 4
Views: 847

Editor on line help

I have seen that the on line help for the editor is still under construction. I took the freedom to make a first shot for the promised " how to make a resizable window". And eh, don't blame be for not having the right lay-out. I don't have the css style sheet and this is a very rough versi...
by Jorge
11 Jan 2009 20:29
Forum: Skins
Topic: Scaling/Mosaic not supported by Skineditor?
Replies: 1
Views: 670

Scaling/Mosaic not supported by Skineditor?

Hi, I want to create a resizable window with the editor, for which the tutorial has to be written yet :-(, I encountered the next problem. Doing a vertical enlargement of the background, it appeared that the picture was repeated and not stretched. I then changed the ImageAttribute Resizing from &quo...
by Jorge
09 Jan 2009 22:08
Forum: Skins
Topic: Move a window
Replies: 2
Views: 822

Re: Move a window

Not needed anymore, I figured it out myself.

I just changed the Action in ImageAttribute of my background from none to move. It did the trick.


Jorge Out
by Jorge
08 Jan 2009 00:20
Forum: Skins
Topic: Move a window
Replies: 2
Views: 822

Move a window

Hi, I got interested in making a skin when I was trying to set up a streaming webcam. The results are improving and a main window is finished already. However, I positioned it on the top left corner (default (0,0), hehe) and I can't get it to move. I want to be able to press left-mouse and move that...

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