The most powerful person in the world is the richest person!
And who is reachest nowadays?
I think it is Carlos Slimem - a multimilioner in telecommunication field
Here is the program to chage the skin in 9.6 #ifndef CMD_CHANGE_SKIN_HPP #define CMD_CHANGE_SKIN_HPP #include "cmd_generic.hpp" /// "Change Skin" command class CmdChangeSkin: public CmdGeneric { public: CmdChangeSkin( intf_thread_t *pIntf, const string &rFile ): CmdGeneric( p...
The first problem is random dropping of the stream. Everything is going okay and then suddenly I lose the stream and it takes 2-20 minuets until I can get the stream back. second is more recent and more nasty. Every video is experiencing very bad audio distortion (it sounds like everyone is gurgling...
Some useful information there. I'll be doing the same at some point, I think the best solution is to have your server running Linux because thats the most stable OS over long periods of runtime. Then I'll make sure my LAN has good wireless capabilities so that I can stream video over it to my laptop...