There haven't been any answer for a long time, is it not possible to convert a video file into an uncompressed video file using VLC? Since VLC is the only media player that can open certain odd media files, it would be great if one could convert those files into a loss less format that can be opened...
I've tried the newest Nvidia drivers and also some 7 whole version numbers old drivers, no change. Also while having the driver uninstalled and only running VLC with Windows own standard driver the problem is still there... I've treid uninstalling and reinstalling VLC also reset preferences (what is...
Recently when I resize the VLC Video window (smaller or larger doesn't matter) something that looks like a mix of "nearest neighbor or Bilinear" interpolation and blocky aliasing appears, this happens for every output module I have tested but OpenGL! This also only happens on my laptop (Ge...
I want to encode a file to an uncompressed avi, the usual syntax requires me to specify a video codec, but there isn't any codec that stands for uncompressed video to choose from?
I have a need to use uncompressed avi files in some softwares that I use and it seems like I have forgotten how to transcode a video file to an uncompressed .avi file. :D The usual syntax for transcoding files doesn't really work since I have to specify a video codec and in this case I don't want to...
I'm not entirely sure, but where it comes to the Media information dialog, I believe one of the problems is that we can only display information that is known after the Demux state atm. Unfortunately, DVD resolution is not known until you start decoding the video. That explains why there are basic ...
DVD Resolution isn't displayed, because it is supposed to be standard. No it is not standard, since you have NTCS and PAL, both which supports 4 different resolutions (8 total). If you do not know if the DVD is PAL or NTSC and you want to find out which one it is, one could look at the resolution a...
Mmh, I've tested 3 video files and one DVD. The statistics page was always non-functional... ...Playing the DVD gave this: DVD ... Yes, it would be nice to have the resolution and framerate of the different video tracks in a DVD under the Codec Details (as it was meant to be I guess). :roll: I also...
For some video formats the framerate and resolution is displayed in the media information window under Codec Details (Advanced Info. in v0.8 ). But for most of the formats I use, DVD for example, there is no way to see what resolution and framerate the video has?! :?: Since this haven't been fixed, ...