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by DoubleYouSee
17 Sep 2008 23:04
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: http interface 403 error
Replies: 11
Views: 61047

Re: http interface 403 error

Alright, so it turns out your first post shouldn't be the one where you arrogantly run your mouth... whoops :S I've found the answer in the "Important Notes" section of Just uncomment the interface you want to use in BOTH files and then set the p...
by DoubleYouSee
17 Sep 2008 22:48
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: http interface 403 error
Replies: 11
Views: 61047

Re: http interface 403 error

"manage the .hosts file" In what way? I am running VLC 0.9. and the http interface. I had the interface working 10 minutes ago on 0.8.6d I've upgraded and now I get a 403 Forbidden message if I try to use a host address other than localhost. So if I am to understand your VERY vague reply, ...

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