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by Tjukken
07 Sep 2019 18:52
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC 3.0.8 Audio issue on .MOV files?
Replies: 26
Views: 10429

Re: VLC 3.0.8 Audio issue on .MOV files?

I also have problems with sound on .mov from dashcam.
Edited same file with previous version of VSDC and stored in avi is perfectly fine , unsure if i shud wait with updating vsdc now

On Lenovo with amd Ryzen 3 with Radon vega 64 bit , if that matters
by Tjukken
17 Sep 2008 18:16
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: need help for .AVI and .WAV
Replies: 6
Views: 721

Re: need help for .AVI and .WAV

hi i played it in wmp after downing codecs to it. strange that i had to down codec for wmp to this. coz all my rechearch it seems to be a microsoft codec. not werry good one it appers to either. anywhy. if the guy who made this insist to continue to use this codec i look furter in to make it work wi...
by Tjukken
14 Sep 2008 14:26
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: need help for .AVI and .WAV
Replies: 6
Views: 721

Re: need help for .AVI and .WAV

hi i have similar/same problen with some .avi file name: engine 2008-09-14 00-10-00-20.avi thers no advanced info statistic says: input: read media = 14752kb, input bit rate = 18298, demuxed = 13873, stream bitrate = 19066 video: Decoded blocks 135, displayed frames 299, lost frames 133 streaming: s...

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