This helps to avoid the events by VLC at the close of the browser window if(window.attachEvent)window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", StopVLCs); if(window.onbeforeunload)window.onbeforeunload=StopVLCs; if(document.onbeforeunload)document.onbeforeunload=StopVLCs; if(body.onbeforeunload)body.o...
If the input (file or streem) support specified audio mode, all work fine. If the value does not change after setting, hence the file don't contain required channels for set selected mode. (for example, attempt to set ("dolby") for simple stereo) The o...
:) Thank you! I hope that a resolution of this problem (perhaps - partial, temporary) would be not too distant time. In my opinion, such a decision would be quite admissible: - In the future, would like to see the security settings for the plugins in certain configuration file . - There is a need to...
Simplified code: var playStartTime; var myCurentTime; var tsFileLength; var myPlayListItem; function Play(uri, name, options) { //my be after playList clear and waiting... PlayListItem=vlc.playlist.add(uri, name, options); setTimeout("PlayStart()",350); } function PlayStart(){ vlc.playlist...
main input: unsafe option "ffmpeg-pp-q" has been ignored for security reasons main input: unsafe option "ffmpeg-skiploopfilter" has been ignored for security reasons main input: unsafe option "verbose" has been ignored for security reasons main input: unsafe option &qu...
vlc.playlist.items.clear(); while (vlc.playlist.items.count != 0) { }; - This causes crash... vlc.playlist.items.clear() ---> 250ms ---> anyVar=vlc.playlist.items.count - Waiting in an empty cycle is undesirable (it causes heavy CPU loading and will increase necessary delays), preferably periodic i...
The delay 250ms minimum after vlc.playlist.items.clear() is required before any next operation with VLC Plugin (including check vlc.playlist.items.count)
The .ts file will not contain the information on duration of record. This value can be received only approximately. For this purpose it is possible to divide current time from the playing start (using the system timer) by a position in a file (vlc.input.position). Unfortunately, it is applicable onl...
0.8.5 - for me it is extremely undesirable... Version 0.9.1 has no this problem , in all applications necessary for me has proved better, than 0.8.x. A unique problem essential to me in v0.9.1 - the option start-time is ignored, (it is possible to bypass it by document.vlc.input.time=xxxx , but it i...
Whether use of this option in version 0.9.1 is possible? If yes - what methods or propertys of VLCObject should be used? It would be very good, if it was possible to activate Snapshot not by imitation of pressing of a key, and it is desirable - by some method in .video or in root object - For exampl...