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by Atenas
08 Aug 2008 19:47
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: No audio
Replies: 8
Views: 754

AVI playing without audio

I have an AVI movie file that I can see perfectly but I can not hear anything. Could anybody please help me on this issue? Below the messages I got from the VLC Media Player 0.8.6i: aout_directx error: cannot initialize DirectSound main error: couldn't find a filter for the conversion main error: co...
by Atenas
07 Aug 2008 21:28
Forum: Forum, Website and Artwork discussion
Topic: About VLC media decoder..?
Replies: 20
Views: 17140

Re: About VLC media decoder..?

Hi, does anyone figured how to address this problem. I am having exactly the sam problem trying to play a movie from torrent. The message: Content Blocked and asking to download this VLC Converter from: for free + US$ 30. The final message I got from VLC is: main debug: CPU has capabi...

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