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by callxpert
18 Sep 2010 16:41
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Unable to create playlist in VLC 1.1.4
Replies: 1
Views: 820

Unable to create playlist in VLC 1.1.4

Hi all, Cheers for all involved in the development of VLC. VLC is such a great player and my favourite one. I have an application (C# .net)using VLC Player, But im not able to create a playlist, vlc.addTarget(@"E:\test\1.vob", null, AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode.VLCPlayListInsertAndGo, 0); vlc.add...
by callxpert
07 Dec 2009 04:28
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Auto loop not working in VLC Activex Control 1.0rc2t version
Replies: 22
Views: 9068

Re: Auto loop not working in VLC Activex Control 1.0rc2t version

HI Shanmugaraj,

Have you fixed the problem, Im also facing the same issue... :(

Kindly let me know if you have sorted it out
by callxpert
06 Dec 2009 13:09
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Playlist Feature in VLC 1.0.3 Activex
Replies: 0
Views: 417

Playlist Feature in VLC 1.0.3 Activex

Hi all, Feature #1 : I was using vlc 0.8.6 in my VB 6 application but now migrated to vlc 1.0.3 plugin 2 Activex. Seems VLC 1.0.3 does not support Playlist Feature. Playlist can be created, But it plays only the first file and stops :( . Later on if we use the next file plays fine....
by callxpert
18 Aug 2009 05:12
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: <-- Playlist in VLC 1.0.1 -->
Replies: 0
Views: 164

<-- Playlist in VLC 1.0.1 -->

Hi all, I was using vlc 0.8.6 in my VB 6 application but now migrated to vlc 1.0.1. I am unable to create playlist... vlc.addTarget file1, Null, VLCPlayListInsert, 0 vlc.addTarget file2, Null, VLCPlayListInsert, 1 vlc.addTarget file3, Null, VLCPlayListInsert, 2 Only the first file [file1] p...
by callxpert
08 Aug 2009 15:19
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Unable to create playlist with vlc 1.0.1
Replies: 0
Views: 158

Unable to create playlist with vlc 1.0.1

Hi all, I was using vlc 0.8.6 in my VB 6 application but now migrated to vlc 1.0.1. I am unable to create playlist... vlc.addTarget file1, Null, VLCPlayListInsert, 0 vlc.addTarget file2, Null, VLCPlayListInsert, 1 vlc.addTarget file3, Null, VLCPlayListInsert, 2 Only the first file [file1] p...
by callxpert
01 Aug 2009 12:05
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Getting Filename being Played in VLC Plugin
Replies: 2
Views: 1023

Re: Getting Filename being Played in VLC Plugin

But that is not an optimal solution. * I already have many timers in my application and adding timers for such basic functionality can bring poor performance. * Moreover by doing that i cannot have a continuation of playlist. i.e. Flickering will happen between two videos. Any Other Optimal solution...
by callxpert
11 Jul 2009 07:56
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: Getting Filename being Played in VLC Plugin
Replies: 2
Views: 1023

Getting Filename being Played in VLC Plugin

Hi, Im using vlc 1.0.0 axvlc.dll in VB 6.0 * How to get the media filename being played in vlc plugin. * Im unable to create Playlist. Only the first song plays after that the second song doesnt play. * The VB code im using, vlcplugin.addTarget List1.List(0), Null, VLCPlayListInsertAndGo, 0 vlcplugi...
by callxpert
07 Jun 2009 17:17
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Wow...
Replies: 1
Views: 178


I just tried VLC 1.0.0 rc2, Its really amazing. I am using vlc in my project and the results are amazing.

Especially the full screen refresh problem has been eliminated.

My sincere thanks and tribute to all the developers who contributed to the peoject.
by callxpert
08 Apr 2009 16:15
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Features of VLC 0.9.9
Replies: 1
Views: 213

Features of VLC 0.9.9

What are the features of vlc 0.9.9
In previous version of VLC,Between two media files the screen disappears
[system wallpaper appears for a moment]

Does it got solved in this new release?

If not,will it get solved in V 1.0.0, And when is the release of V 1.0.0?

by callxpert
23 Feb 2009 16:56
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: features of vlc 0.9.8a
Replies: 3
Views: 314

Re: features of vlc 0.9.8a

In previous version of VLC,Between two media files the screen disappears
[system wallpaper appears for a moment]

Does it got solved in this new release?
by callxpert
17 Feb 2009 15:30
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: features of vlc 0.9.8a
Replies: 3
Views: 314

features of vlc 0.9.8a


What are the features of vlc 0.9.8a

*Does it supports uninterrupted playback [Video screen closes between two media files in a playlist in previous version of vlc]

*Black screen appears between two video files of different format

by callxpert
08 Dec 2008 15:10
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Features of VLC 0.9.6
Replies: 3
Views: 258

Re: Features of VLC 0.9.6

Hi Vlc_help,

I couldnt understand BSOD,what is it.I found that not only in my system but in my clients system too.

by callxpert
07 Dec 2008 08:29
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Features of VLC 0.9.6
Replies: 3
Views: 258

Features of VLC 0.9.6

What are the features of vlc 0.9.6

*Does it supports uninterrupted playback [Video screen closes between two media files in a playlist in previous version of vlc]
*Does it overcome Bluescreen problem{screen becomes blue sometimes while playing .Dat files}

by callxpert
03 Nov 2008 13:02
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Updown video in VLC...
Replies: 13
Views: 1434

Re: Updown video in VLC...

I tried that but no improvement.
Still video is upsidedown
by callxpert
02 Nov 2008 08:15
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Updown video in VLC...
Replies: 13
Views: 1434

Re: Updown video in VLC...

Tried your code but still the video is updown ! ! ! This is the code, VLCPlugin1.addTarget "dshow:// :dshow-vdev="""" :vout-filter=transform :transform-type=hflip", Null, VLCPlayListAppendAndGo, -666 code-2 VLCPlugin1.addTarget "--vout-filter=transform --transform-...
by callxpert
02 Nov 2008 07:08
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Uninterrupted playback...
Replies: 0
Views: 319

Uninterrupted playback...

Hi all, VLC 0.9.4 is fine except the video window closes between two media files in the playlist. VLC will become topmost if it has the ability, 1.To play videos without interruption. 2.No blackscreens in between two videos Best wishes
by callxpert
01 Nov 2008 08:50
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Updown video in VLC...
Replies: 13
Views: 1434

Re: Updown video in VLC...

But arite,My tv tuner video is upside down. this is my basic code, VLC.addTarget "dshow:// :dshow-vdev=""""", Null, VLCPlayListAppendAndGo, -666 Can anyone help me where to add the transform filter.And your work will be greatly appreciated if you give the apt VB code. T...
by callxpert
01 Nov 2008 08:28
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: TV Tuner problem...
Replies: 10
Views: 792

Re: TV Tuner problem...

ok this is my basic code,

VLC.addTarget "dshow:// :dshow-vdev=""""", Null, VLCPlayListAppendAndGo, -666

Tell me where to add the transform filter.And your work will be greatly appreciated if you give the apt VB code.

by callxpert
31 Oct 2008 07:11
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: TV Tuner problem...
Replies: 10
Views: 792

Re: TV Tuner problem...

Can you give me the VB syntax,
Because i tried with your code and it says compile error.
I had tried it in every probability.
by callxpert
30 Oct 2008 12:44
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Updown video in VLC...
Replies: 13
Views: 1434

Re: Updown video in VLC...

Thank you for your suggession.
I used your code in all probability,but it shows some error.
Could you give me the VB code syntax for the same.
by callxpert
30 Oct 2008 05:55
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: TV Tuner problem...
Replies: 10
Views: 792

Re: TV Tuner problem...

If i use transform > Flip horizontal the video is fine in VLC player.
But how to acheive the same using the vlc plugin in my VB application.

by callxpert
29 Oct 2008 06:16
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: TV Tuner problem...
Replies: 10
Views: 792

Re: TV Tuner problem...

Normal videos work fine.

WinDVR works fine,But when i try with vlc player 0.9.4 the video is upside down
by callxpert
28 Oct 2008 14:54
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: TV Tuner problem...
Replies: 10
Views: 792

TV Tuner problem...

I am using VLC 0.9.4. The video plays upsidedown when i use with capture card.

file>open capture device>selected video and audio cards>play

Video is upsidedown but audio is fine.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

by callxpert
28 Oct 2008 13:21
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Updown video in VLC...
Replies: 13
Views: 1434

Re: Updown video in VLC...

What is dhsow_tuner_channels ?

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