I have resolved... :D The problem was in the space between "new test broadcast enabled" and it is replace " " with %20 "new%20test%20broadcast%20enabled" $http_admin_uri = "http://localhost:8080"; $url = $http_admin_uri.'/requests/vlm_cmd.xml?command=new%20tes...
It doesn't works!!! :evil: It return a white page but in http://localhost:8080/requests/playlist.xml i see the files in the playlist... Another question... I have one of the files in the playlist that is transcoded and trasnmitted over http ( :sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=http,mux=ts,dst=192.168.1...
Buf i would like to have a web page tha contains the address of all flow that are load in the VideoLan Server, so you can click on the link and start to recive the stream or you can see the address, copy it and paste into other player like wmp.