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by dmcorp
20 May 2008 06:52
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Play "nelly moser" audio from
Replies: 5
Views: 3119

Re: Play "nelly moser" audio from

Yes, I found other players that would play the videos on the Mac OS X just fine. SWF & FLV Player by Elitma and Wimpy FLV player come to mind and both can play FLV files just fine. My real motivation though is in converting these files to MP4 or something that can be viewed...
by dmcorp
17 May 2008 05:24
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Play "nelly moser" audio from
Replies: 5
Views: 3119

Play "nelly moser" audio from

Hey all, I downloaded flv files from and they are H.263 video and "nelly moser" audio codec. The video plays fine but VLC won't play the audio. Says its an unsupported codec. This nellymoser codec seems to be quite popular in Flash. Hope we can add it soon. Michael Campbell PS -...

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