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by mastavic
08 Oct 2008 11:23
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC 0.9.4 Won't Start
Replies: 3
Views: 296

VLC 0.9.4 Won't Start

Hello, I have used VLC media player for many, many years and have never had a problem with it. Today, however, I updated from 0.9.2 to 0.9.4 and VLC would not start up at all. Is anyone else having this problem? Is there a solution for it? Thanks.

I am running Windows XP Home, Service Pack 3.
by mastavic
25 Apr 2008 03:24
Forum: Skins
Topic: Winamp Skin limit the volume to 100% (instead of up to 200%)
Replies: 6
Views: 4236

Re: Winamp Skin limit the volume to 100% (instead of up to 200%)

By default skin do you refer to the default interface - i.e. wxWidgets (that was what I was talking about) or the defaults skins2 interface? The volume is not diapalyed in a % so not sure where you saw e.g. 225%, unless the default skin2 interface is displaying that. If you need to volume to be at ...
by mastavic
25 Apr 2008 02:27
Forum: Skins
Topic: Winamp Skin limit the volume to 100% (instead of up to 200%)
Replies: 6
Views: 4236

Re: Winamp Skin limit the volume to 100% (instead of up to 200%)

Not here to help, unfortunately, but here to ask you a question regarding what you were talking about. How do you get the volume up to 200% with the default skin? Thanks. "100%" volume refers to the slider level of "Volume 50" - the default volume. The slider can be raised to ~1...
by mastavic
25 Apr 2008 01:52
Forum: Skins
Topic: Winamp Skin limit the volume to 100% (instead of up to 200%)
Replies: 6
Views: 4236

Re: Winamp Skin limit the volume to 100% (instead of up to 200%)

Not here to help, unfortunately, but here to ask you a question regarding what you were talking about. How do you get the volume up to 200% with the default skin? Thanks.

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