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by Kurrado
26 Nov 2014 15:22
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Crossfade option?
Replies: 6
Views: 16954

Re: Crossfade option?

Hi Jean-Baptiste, Hi VLC Team Crossfade seems not to be an easy option to implement, not only at VLC, but also at other players such as SMPlayer, Audacious, Quod Libet, ... Some other players such as Winamp, AIMP3, Clementine and, yes, Windows Media Player do quite well though. As Clementine is open...
by Kurrado
21 Apr 2008 00:13
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Subtitles/OSD Keyboard Shortcut
Replies: 4
Views: 5627

Re: Subtitles/OSD Keyboard Shortcut

Hi J-B, - I have an example image of the subtitle explorer that GOM Player has. You can sync the subtitles, save changes, etc... - Most of the times, memory usage is OK, but sometimes it has peaks. No problem, you're right that other software can have 'hidden' memo...
by Kurrado
20 Apr 2008 21:28
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Subtitles/OSD Keyboard Shortcut
Replies: 4
Views: 5627

Re: Subtitles/OSD Keyboard Shortcut

VLC is a nice multimedia player, but subtitle-support can better ! Some feature request I have ;) : - Subtitle Explorer (like GOM Player) - No delay when 'pause' a video - Less memory usage (In Windows Taskmanager, I see between 18 and 48 MB, even when NOT playing !) - Minimizing to taskbar (like WM...

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