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by alf3299
28 May 2008 18:26
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: DVD Flow (a HTML movie player with VLC)
Replies: 38
Views: 19006

Re: DVD Flow (a HTML movie player with VLC)


could u give me some guidance to try to solve this problem.

not sure how to do it i dont have programming experience.

Any help is much appreciated.

alf eli
by alf3299
17 May 2008 22:37
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: DVD Flow (a HTML movie player with VLC)
Replies: 38
Views: 19006

Re: DVD Flow (a HTML movie player with VLC)

Thnks mate i am also going to try to solve the problem

by alf3299
08 May 2008 01:02
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: DVD Flow (a HTML movie player with VLC)
Replies: 38
Views: 19006

Re: DVD Flow (a HTML movie player with VLC)

Hi cold fire I would suggest u to copy the source code from the player from Put in your browser then click watch a movie then u got to a page with the player copy the source code from this page with the player then use this code instead of the ...
by alf3299
05 May 2008 07:05
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: DVD Flow (a HTML movie player with VLC)
Replies: 38
Views: 19006

Re: DVD Flow (a HTML movie player with VLC)

NiN^_^NiN Thanks for the source fla. I have a another question. When we select a movie we then click watch movie and we see the movie so far so good. But i was wondering if i want to stream a movie with more parts for example 3 or 4 and had the links for those parts into the xml are they going to be...
by alf3299
29 Apr 2008 19:00
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: DVD Flow (a HTML movie player with VLC)
Replies: 38
Views: 19006

Re: DVD Flow (a HTML movie player with VLC)

Hi guys this is excelent work and iwould like to use it someone has the .fla source file of the "DVD Flow.swf" I would like to translate into another language and make some adaptions . Any help is much appreciated And thanks for this excelent work and for your time and dedication Regards a...
by alf3299
08 Apr 2008 21:00
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: vlc stream
Replies: 1
Views: 916

vlc stream

Hi all i am kinda of new to vlc Some time ago i saw a plug in demo in a webpages that play diferente videos on the same page The webpage had about 4 or 5 pictures and each pic was a link to a movie I dont remmember where i saw this web page Can someone tell me how how to play diferente videos on the...
by alf3299
16 Mar 2008 04:04
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: rtsp over http with VLC activeX/plugin
Replies: 4
Views: 3715

Re: rtsp over http with VLC activeX/plugin


I am using it for rtsp streams and works ok
by alf3299
09 Mar 2008 17:16
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: embedded vlc into flash
Replies: 2
Views: 767

Re: embedded vlc into flash

Hi tks for your reply

I found something that might interest to someone that reads this topic with a 3rd party tool u can embed real play with flash

they dont suport vlc yet but i think they are developing the support to vlc wich is good

by alf3299
06 Mar 2008 19:55
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: embedded vlc into flash
Replies: 2
Views: 767

embedded vlc into flash

Hi to all I am new to vlc player and i am devoloping a flash movie that should be able to have an embedded vlc player .This flash movie should run from webpage and from user local machine if needed .Since flash works with java script and vlc too i was wondering if this is possible. If this is possib...

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