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by Chain-Lin
01 Dec 2007 17:22
Forum: VideoLAN Server and miniSAPserver
Topic: How does VLS support wmv files
Replies: 5
Views: 4306

Re: How does VLS support wmv files

OK, thanks, I am looking at the documents about VLC and VLS. VLC can used as server stream output, initially it is client. but VLS is only used as server.
by Chain-Lin
30 Nov 2007 18:12
Forum: VideoLAN Server and miniSAPserver
Topic: How does VLS support wmv files
Replies: 5
Views: 4306

Re: How does VLS support wmv files

Hello, every, what is the difference in VLC and VLS. Just like one is client side and other is server side. But there real difference is what, can anybody explain it. Thanks a lot.

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