Yep, higher/lower on the screen. Well, I just found the option "forcer la position des sous-titres" "force subtitle position" in the preferences, no need to go look for the "sub-margin=" line in the VLC config file, MY BAD. But the realtime subtitle position changing (u...
- The bookmarks you create inside a media file (using the bookmark tool) should be stored in a "bookmark file" (for example in the VLC application directory) to remember the bookmarks even after you close VLC. - The bookmarks should be assigned to the file based on the media file extension...
Assignable keyboard shortcuts to move subtitles up/down while reading file (and event center/left/right but that's kind of useless) I guess seeing the new position of subtitles in realtime will need to completely rebuild the subtitle displaying module, so, well, it looks kind of an utopic idea or at...
That would be nice if when you launch VLC it automatically starts readint the last file you played when you closed VLC, and if it started at the time where you left it.
Great idea, BSPlayer already does it and it's sooo convenient (that's the main reason why I use BSPlayer more often than VLC, and it's actually the ONLY reason). - The bookmarks you create inside a movie for exemple (using the bookmark tool) should also be stored in a file to remember the bookmarks ...