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by Apocalypse
02 Dec 2004 21:07
Forum: VideoLAN
Topic: Use?!
Replies: 4
Views: 1342

I got WindowsXP and my CPU is 1000Megahertz "fast"... I don´t think, that that´s too slow :roll:
by Apocalypse
02 Dec 2004 19:48
Forum: VideoLAN
Topic: Use?!
Replies: 4
Views: 1342

My Dear Markfm I know, that you´re always willing to help and I really appreciate it, but believe me that, I woulnd´t post here, if I could get started anything. I downloaded the very new version of the player, and I tried absolutley every videofile on my harddrive, and nothing worked.. sometimes th...
by Apocalypse
30 Nov 2004 19:07
Forum: VideoLAN
Topic: Use?!
Replies: 4
Views: 1342


maybe it´s me, but this player, up till today has never played any movie clip I had put in it.. either there is no picture or no sound or it doesn´t stream anything... :cry:
by Apocalypse
29 Nov 2004 20:32
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Stream, but nothing happens
Replies: 12
Views: 3037

I did... it didn´t work

So there is absolutely nothing I can do? :shock:
by Apocalypse
29 Nov 2004 18:51
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Stream, but nothing happens
Replies: 12
Views: 3037

I just don´t understand why it works with WMP and not with VLC
by Apocalypse
29 Nov 2004 17:52
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Stream, but nothing happens
Replies: 12
Views: 3037

I just wanted to see the stream.. but it just does not work :(

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