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by raskk
28 Dec 2003 02:17
Forum: VideoLAN Server and miniSAPserver
Topic: multicasting @ windows
Replies: 3
Views: 5673

wow, it rooockz !
ty it works !
by raskk
28 Dec 2003 01:48
Forum: VideoLAN Server and miniSAPserver
Topic: multicasting @ windows
Replies: 3
Views: 5673

ty zorg, ill give it a try later, maybe it will do
by raskk
26 Dec 2003 20:12
Forum: VideoLAN Server and miniSAPserver
Topic: multicasting @ windows
Replies: 3
Views: 5673

multicasting @ windows

hello, im trying to stream a svcd on my lan on a server so that other people can access it. i think this is beeing done by using in channel config the type "multicast". problem is, that i always have to define a dsthost, means to which i want to stream. cause i want to let it act as a serv...

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