i didn't notice you had a blog (please note that no screenshots are displayed there nor there ) VLC 0.9-1.0 with native GTK Open File Dialog is a really great piece of news : is it based upon that QGtkStyle new feature i've mentioned above ? does it mean we have to wait Qt 4.5 and/or VLC 1.0 (both s...
My post was about 2) as i said, it's not an AESTHETIC problem, VLC 0.9.2 for Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid (GNOME) is really nice (see http://libre-et-ouvert.blogspot.com/2008/09/quoi-de-neuf-dans-ubuntu-intrepid-ibex.html ) Ubuntu dev must have used QGtkStyle. For me It's a usability problem, since GNOME us...
Also, not having the gtkfilechooser in VLC running on GNOME doesn't allow the user to select places (=shortcuts created within Nautilus - by default : Video, Music, Document, Download...). Maybe there would be a way to grab them and to display them within VLC filechooser, no matter it is GTKfilechoo...
o yeah, great ! Besides, with Ubuntu Netbook Remix (specially Maximus component), all windows automatically start maximized, but you can specify which software must not be maximized through a gconf key. VLC Playlist should not be maximized to my mind : is it a separate process than can be notify to ...
I'm using VLC from deb http://nightlies.videolan.org/build/gutsy-i386/arch ./ I'm not sure if it is the good place to report what i found wrong ? The new Qt interface looks ok on my GNOME desktop, except the colour of my theme which is not respected. On Ubuntu, the colour close to the volume control...
Hello, I run VLC 0.8.6 to see TV with my freebox in France With Linux Ubuntu 7.04, i start wxvlc http://mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/playlist.m3u Then i have to select Vue>Liste de lecture (View>playlist in english i guess) to see the playlist But i'd like the playlist to be open when i start VLC ...