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by tonykwong
28 Apr 2007 05:06
Forum: Contribute and help the VideoLAN project
Topic: Translate the documents into Chinese
Replies: 8
Views: 3771

Ok, I'll sent them to you.
by tonykwong
26 Apr 2007 16:41
Forum: Contribute and help the VideoLAN project
Topic: Translate the documents into Chinese
Replies: 8
Views: 3771

I'll have time to translate the documents next month .
If you refresh the documents, I'll update them.

But where should I sent the translated documents.
by tonykwong
25 Apr 2007 07:57
Forum: Contribute and help the VideoLAN project
Topic: Translate the documents into Chinese
Replies: 8
Views: 3771

The documents I mean are those in the documents page:

There is no Chinese version yet.

Most Chinese people don't know how to use VLC without these documents even the VLC have a Chinese interface.
by tonykwong
24 Apr 2007 17:02
Forum: Contribute and help the VideoLAN project
Topic: Translate the documents into Chinese
Replies: 8
Views: 3771

Translate the documents into Chinese


Do your team have a plan to translate the documents into Chinese?
If not, can I help?

What's the workflow of the document's translation?
Should I sent it to SVN or some email?


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