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by lubimaer
05 Oct 2007 09:39
Forum: Contribute and help the VideoLAN project
Topic: Compile VideoLAN for OpenWRT
Replies: 3
Views: 2526

Re: Compile VideoLAN for OpenWRT

No I didn't It sounds like a good tip Afaik there is nor vlc standard nor vlc-nox available for OpenWRT Compile a package for OpenWRT needs some attention, since there is no native development env in OpenWRT, but there is only a sdk for crosscompilation sdk is really good but require a good knoweled...
by lubimaer
04 Oct 2007 14:20
Forum: Contribute and help the VideoLAN project
Topic: Compile VideoLAN for OpenWRT
Replies: 3
Views: 2526

Compile VideoLAN for OpenWRT

Hi, I succesfully used VideoLAN on my Router ASUS WL500gP router to stream a USB webcam video, for a while. I installed a complete Debian MIPS system on router and I found VideoLAN in the Debian repository I'd like to create a compile package for OpenWRT OS but it' seems OpenWRT is missing a lot of ...
by lubimaer
24 Apr 2007 11:30
Forum: VLC stream-output (sout)
Topic: Stream webcam connected to a WIFI router (ASUS WL500gP)
Replies: 0
Views: 898

Stream webcam connected to a WIFI router (ASUS WL500gP)

I have this kind of Video server system: ASUS WL500gP WIFI router -- cpu MIPS 266MHz -- 32Mb RAM -- 250Gb USB HDD -- OS Debian 4.0 and openwrt kernel 2.6.19 -- USB webcam compatible with gspca linux driver I would like to use VLC or VLS to stream video from the webcam to VLC installed on my desktop ...

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