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by gerlep
16 Apr 2007 23:53
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: Trying to get vlc to play from my DBOX
Replies: 0
Views: 721

Trying to get vlc to play from my DBOX

am a complete newbie to this, is there a manual or idiot's guide to this, wouldn't even know where to start, set up network etc...

by gerlep
16 Apr 2007 19:07
Forum: VLC media player for macOS Troubleshooting
Topic: VLC plug in for Safari and Dreambox
Replies: 3
Views: 3846

won't work. You are going to need to run Firefox and install the VLC firefox plugin too. Thank you'll enjoy dreambox video on your mac. Works for me (dreambox 7025). Hi maddope, am a complete newbie to this. I just bought a dreambox 2 essentially for tv use, do you have an idiot's guide to enable m...

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