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by ccriniti
15 Nov 2007 15:40
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: [dotnet interface] Double playing
Replies: 0
Views: 817

[dotnet interface] Double playing

Hello all, I'm using in c# the vlc dotnet interface and I have a problem with my program. At the end of a track I call : Vlc_Add_And_Play(playlist[playlist_playing_item]); ---- private void Vlc_Add_And_Play(string new_current_track) { vlc_current_track = new_current_track; vlc_engine.Stop(); vlc_eng...
by ccriniti
04 Nov 2007 23:34
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: [ActiveX V2] vlc.getvariable and vlc.setvariable ?
Replies: 6
Views: 2955

Re: [ActiveX V2] vlc.getvariable and vlc.setvariable ?

Sorry I posted the message to soon before having time to test it very much.

The code works fine.

Thanks you for your help today :D
by ccriniti
04 Nov 2007 15:38
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: [ActiveX V2] vlc.getvariable and vlc.setvariable ?
Replies: 6
Views: 2955

Re: [ActiveX V2] vlc.getvariable and vlc.setvariable ?

I'm trying to use the .net interface but I always get an error.

What's the way to create a dll for this ???

Thanks for your help
by ccriniti
04 Nov 2007 11:51
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: [ActiveX V2] vlc.getvariable and vlc.setvariable ?
Replies: 6
Views: 2955

Re: [ActiveX V2] vlc.getvariable and vlc.setvariable ?

If I understand it's better to use de V1 ? the V2 is limited, has less funcitons ???

I need this to add a visualisation for the music playing
by ccriniti
04 Nov 2007 11:08
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: [ActiveX V2] vlc.getvariable and vlc.setvariable ?
Replies: 6
Views: 2955

[ActiveX V2] vlc.getvariable and vlc.setvariable ?


I'm doing a mediacenter using C# and vlc activeX control and I've seen a lot of code using VLC.getVariable or VLC.setVariable.

Where can I find these commands in the second version of the vlc activex plugin ???

Thanks for your help !!!
by ccriniti
20 Feb 2007 13:44
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: c# and vlc activex control
Replies: 2
Views: 3120

nobody can help me ???
by ccriniti
19 Feb 2007 13:48
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: c# and vlc activex control
Replies: 2
Views: 3120

c# and vlc activex control

Hello, I'm trying to use your activex control (because I don't want use the windows media player ;)) and I've done a bit of code with the activex Videolan plugin version1. I've some questions about that : - Is the version 1 of the plugin in end-of-life ? or can'I use it ? - How can I play my playlis...

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