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by rjscheif
06 Feb 2007 15:51
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Limitations on Speex decoding
Replies: 1
Views: 1102

Limitations on Speex decoding

I have been trying to stream (via RTP) Speex encoded files and receive that stream using VLC but it does not select the proper codec when receiving the stream. The Live555 streaming software inside VLC is set up to receive and select Speex as a valid stream but I believe VLC is just not selecting th...
by rjscheif
31 Jan 2007 23:12
Forum: Web and scripting
Topic: Launch vlc from PDA website
Replies: 1
Views: 2799

Hi looneytoonz, I accomplished what you are describing but my link connects the user to a RTSP stream. I'm not sure if you are using RTSP, but here's how I did it: -I created a file with the extension .m3u -In that file, I pasted the link that you normally have to type in order to connect to the RTS...
by rjscheif
31 Jan 2007 18:20
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Receiving speex via RTP stream
Replies: 0
Views: 573

Receiving speex via RTP stream

Hi - I am currently developing an application that streams speex audio from a microphone and I want to playback that audio in VLC media player. I have successfully streamed other formats (such as PCM and u-law) but I wanted to use speex because of it's compression. I can set up the stream just fine ...

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