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by RobbieThe1st
10 Jan 2007 10:04
Forum: Skins
Topic: skin edit - playlist problem
Replies: 3
Views: 4063

i decided to download a skin, and downloaded the chaos skin from the homepage(it looks like the old skin from winamp, which i like) Note that you can also used actual Winamp skins (.wsz files) with VLC (not all features are supported, but it mostly looks the same). my problem is thus: i dont know h...
by RobbieThe1st
10 Jan 2007 07:08
Forum: Skins
Topic: skin edit - playlist problem
Replies: 3
Views: 4063

skin edit - playlist problem

ok, so anyway i s looking for a good media player compatible with linux to make it easier on me when i switch to linux completely, and found the VLC player. i decided to download a skin, and downloaded the chaos skin from the homepage(it looks like the old skin from winamp, which i like). so anyway,...

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