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by Sam Hocevar
02 Aug 2007 20:15
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: vlc for symbian
Replies: 4
Views: 2160

Re: vlc for symbian

Actually my company started working on a Symbian port. Our needs are probably very specific, but we hope to release a working base upon which other VLC developers can build.
by Sam Hocevar
25 Aug 2006 16:44
Forum: Forum, Website and Artwork discussion
Topic: A serious problem on the page of downloading VLC!!!!!!!!
Replies: 15
Views: 10232

Dear Sam Hocevar, II’m not interested in political argument really. But as a Chinese, I have the obligation to maintain the unification of our motherland, in which “taiwann” is included. I guess you donn’t know the history of China thoroughly. The history of Chin...
by Sam Hocevar
25 Aug 2006 14:51
Forum: Forum, Website and Artwork discussion
Topic: A serious problem on the page of downloading VLC!!!!!!!!
Replies: 15
Views: 10232

Dear administrator, I think you're a Frenchman, so you may not understand the feeling of our Chinese. I say VideoLAN doesn't have to submit to imperialistic requests. If you want to have a political argument, keep that argument outside the VideoLAN forums. The Republic of China (Taiwan) was created...
by Sam Hocevar
26 Sep 2005 14:35
Forum: VLC media player for Linux and friends Troubleshooting
Topic: Sadly, you may have left my gcc behind...
Replies: 3
Views: 2203

Are you sure you are using an up to date SVN tree? This gcc bug
should be checked for in the configure phase. If you are, then please
post your whole config.log file somewhere we can check it.
by Sam Hocevar
01 Jun 2005 13:46
Forum: General VLC media player Troubleshooting
Topic: libdvdcss error: drive would not authenticate
Replies: 6
Views: 1847

This patch is definitely too high level and will leave the drive in a very
bad state if a real error occurs. Could you please have a deeper look
inside the _dvdcss_disckey() function and try to see which error causes
the return value to be negative in your case, instead?
by Sam Hocevar
20 Aug 2004 09:53
Forum: VideoLAN
Topic: End Use License
Replies: 3
Views: 984

This is perfectly fine. You should provide a 3-year offer to send the VLC source code upon request to your users, just in case they don't have Internet access (alternately, you may put the source code on the CD-Rom if you have enough room). You need not provide all the other skins if you think yours...

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