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by OSTIFDerek
24 Feb 2025 20:54
Forum: Contribute and help the VideoLAN project
Topic: OSTIF security assistance beginning soon
Replies: 2
Views: 3524

Re: OSTIF security assistance beginning soon

The work has started as of today. We'd love to hear any feedback or input about our proposed help and if it fits in with what VLC needs. We can definitely work with any input that the community has. If we don't hear anything back we will proceed with building out the tooling and evaluating the build...
by OSTIFDerek
18 Feb 2025 17:32
Forum: Contribute and help the VideoLAN project
Topic: OSTIF security assistance beginning soon
Replies: 2
Views: 3524

OSTIF security assistance beginning soon

Hello everyone, I'm Derek from OSTIF and we are an org that helps open source projects with their security, for free. We have a long track record and a lot of experience under our belts working on everything from huge projects like Git to smaller projects like VeraCrypt. We publish all of our work o...

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