Maybe not the answer you are looking for, but I use Universal Media Server on my PC and VLC 3.5.4 on my firestick 4k has no issues accessing and playing media files.
Or try the VLC 3.6.0 nightly build (Armv7 in my case).
You will, once it's tested. We have almost one and an half year of change that have been used by almost no one so we have a beta test round to do before. Thanks. Have been using the VLC Android app for years and never had issues apart from the recent SMB issue. Am enrolled as beta tester of it on G...
For more context on why we have some difficulties updating: I appreciate the issue, however can we have a stable version downloadable from VLC (not the nightly build)? You could even have VLC Android check and download updates from your website like...
In Settings > Advanced, could you please try activating the "Force SMB1" parameter? You shouldn't be encouraging the use of the obsolete SMB1. It will work but is a security risk and a vulnerability. The nightly beta builds use SMB2 and 3, so this should be the standard and the Android ap...
The nightly Android build fixes the LAN/SMB access issue, especially on Windows where SNB 1.0 has been disabled by default and SNB 2.0 or 3.0 need to be used. The current VLC Android build is over 15 months old, so when could we expect a newer version that addresses this SNB issue? VLC state that th...