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by v81
30 Apr 2024 07:43
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Why Does Codec Information Display Incorrect "Bits Per Sample"
Replies: 18
Views: 1223

Re: Why Does Codec Information Display Incorrect "Bits Per Sample"

Well sadly after weeks pending my gitlab signup for VLC was denied... or maybe timed out. I still think this is an issue that needs to be corrected. And with fresh eyes i'll point out wht VLC itself is claiming... "Information about what your media stream is made of" Well i know it isn't m...
by v81
08 Apr 2024 14:44
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: Why Does Codec Information Display Incorrect "Bits Per Sample"
Replies: 18
Views: 1223

Re: Why Does Codec Information Display Incorrect "Bits Per Sample"

Is it not resonable that one wants information on what resolution the source is? It's a fairly resonable indication of quality that i can not readily find anywhere else intuitive. If the res is padded to 32bits, and many of those bits are pointless then what is the value of showing 32 at all? Add to...
by v81
08 Apr 2024 04:04
Forum: VLC media player Feature Requests
Topic: Issue - All FLAC files report as 32bit Win 64 desktop
Replies: 2
Views: 650

Issue - All FLAC files report as 32bit Win 64 desktop

When checking codec information for any FLAC file in VLD the bit depth is always reported as 32 bit regardless of actual bit depth of the media. This has been an issue fo 4+ years as far as i know. I've tried to report this at GitLab but after days my account still doesnt work there. Would love to s...

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