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by compmasterandrei
26 Jul 2024 07:57
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: vlc.js status
Replies: 1
Views: 1431

vlc.js status

What is the status of vlc.js(wasm build of vlc for browser)? Is there some development happens or any stable release expected soon? Where that can be discussed?
by compmasterandrei
09 Mar 2024 13:46
Forum: Development around libVLC
Topic: wasm\emscripten fetch api for http
Replies: 0
Views: 724

wasm\emscripten fetch api for http

Hi all. I am new to vlc development, and recently discovered that it has more or less working wasm build, but current wasm build can't read http(s) and I want try to contribute that utilizing emscripten fetch api. I found that there is such concept as access modules, code structure and purpose of me...

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