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by elvispresley
02 Feb 2024 12:33
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: VLCSub plugin broken on latest version of VLC, some lower versions and the latest beta v3 version
Replies: 2
Views: 906

Re: VLCSub plugin broken on latest version of VLC, some lower versions and the latest beta v3 version

VLSub errors should be reported to Github. The VLSub developer does not seem to follow this forum.
Well, where is the official VLSub github repo so that I can report this error to the correct place.
by elvispresley
08 Jan 2024 15:13
Forum: VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting
Topic: VLCSub plugin broken on latest version of VLC, some lower versions and the latest beta v3 version
Replies: 2
Views: 906

VLCSub plugin broken on latest version of VLC, some lower versions and the latest beta v3 version

This is verbose logs I've got: main debug: VoutDisplayEvent 'mouse button' 0 t=8 main debug: VoutDisplayEvent 'mouse button' 0 t=9 main debug: auto hiding mouse cursor qt debug: activating or triggering extension 'VLsub 0.11.1' lua debug: Reactivating extension VLsub 0.11.1 lua debug: [VLsub] Welcom...

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